Posts Tagged 'OTC'

Are You Still Using Hazardous Tools?

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No one in the oil and gas industry, onshore or offshore, takes the topic of safety lightly. From every single perspective, safety is expensive – but not nearly as expensive as short-changing it. Injuries, accidents, fatalities, equipment failure – all these events bring work stoppage, investigations, potential for lawsuits and fines. In short, not being safety minded is far too expensive to short cut anything.

The industry has become so engrossed in the safety culture that we have companies who evaluate ...

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FASTORQ’s Bolting Technology Equipment Uses Speed and Innovation to Create Safer Tools

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See FASTORQ at Booth 3301 at 2014 OTCSafety isn’t a glamorous topic.  It isn’t slick or sexy. But it is critical. We work in a hazardous industry doing what is vital to fuel our modern world. The energy we produce provides the foundation for everything we know – powering our transportation, education, ...

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